i left the HMM1 exam hall 45 mins early. it was supposed to be 2hours long. haha
just went for a run. i increased the intensity and ran abit faster. argh but still not good enough...how do i get rid of that belly of mine? hahaha. no more suppers i guess. jianhao is on a belly diet. HAHA!
feels refreshed now though after the run. tired too. shall go sleep early and prepare for another early morning tml. :)
listening to 2PM - Heartbeat and SHINee - Romantic and Ring Ding Dong
i have totally caught on the korean high now. WOOHOO. :P
Monday, November 30, 2009
thinks the adm library is cool because the chairs which look non-swivel-able are actually swivel chairs! woohoo. and i tell u the adm library is like a mini-dvd-library. it has dvds like batman begins and archie. WTH!
i think i can't sit still and concentrate to study for an extended period of time. i get distracted every 5 mins. HOW. the only time i can concentrate is when people force me to sit at a table and keep bombarding me with questions, ie during exams. HAHA
saya tidak boleh pengajian melayu. :( i think i can't learn languages like that - it's too stressful. self-learning is better for me.
haha nvm i s/u-ed already. hopefully can pass!
okay gonna get this jacket soon! it's called a handkerchief china. HAHA!
seriously can't wait to head on the flight to taipei! :P
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
woo hoo. S Four lyrics.
homework from billy requires MASSIVE amount of inspiration and brainpower. he said "你应该读多一点书。" hahah i thought that was pretty funny. haha but i guess i was most amused when he mentioned this about my lyrics - "这是现在小孩子会说的话". yay i am a 小孩子! :)
learning points:
- use more verbs to present actions
- lay your path in the song properly. must 铺程
- use more prepositions to intensify emotions / change the course of the story.
hahaa it's like primary school composition! woohoo.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
part of 偶像's new song is up on his blog.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
i am such a sucker for A+.
HAHHAHA BT313 individual project!!! woohooo!!! my favourite module by my fav prof. he mentioned "an excellent job!" omg. i am DAMN HAPPY!
project mavern got an A and A+ too! MUAHAHAHAHA ok better jiayou for BT313!!! well done rachel and hamizah! thanks for pushing me. :) hahah
okay i am going to fight with julio for yoona.
Monday, November 23, 2009
i love documentaries, and this one is no exception:
Welcome to North Korea by Peter Tetteroo and Raymond Feddema
Sunday, November 22, 2009
huahuahua. nothing to boast about. but today was wasted.
i feel empty inside.
i vaguely remember posting pictures and commenting here and there, and watching youtube, then going for my jog, back to the house, played the keyboard and the guitar, ate dinner, one piece, and that's it.
i wanna take a break, but there's nothing to take a break from, cuz i haven't even started. HAHA maybe it's time to mug through the night.
hurhurhurhur. DOUBT so.
and finally i know how google streetview works! this! ->
oooo haven't been out till so late in the night.
just performed at the youth talent concert at vivocity in front of his excellency, President S R Nathan.
wow it was really really quite an experience. the moment we went on the stage we realised that the keyboard's power cable was spoilt, and thus daryl came to the rescue and performed the medley with his guitar. HE IS DAMN GOOD. (YES DARYL YOU ARE FANTABULOUS! i guess we would have had DEAD SILENCE if you were not musically versatile. HAHAH) yeah but it's a pity daryl didn't stay on for the after-concert party, cuz we got to meet some really great people who appreciated our music! anyway here are some photos :)rubberband with the big big xmas tree at vivo!
took a photo with little aijia backstage.;)
had ivan's celebration and then supper at boat quay. GREAT to see everyone again! :)
okay time to get some new clothes, Rubberband!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
thinks this explains the gap between dinosaurs and present-day reptiles...hurhurhur.
nv heard the first HALF of an album that is as morbid and as depressing as Rihanna's Rated R. Where are songs the likes of shut up and drive and disturbia?!?! DANCE DANCE DANCE....get over chris brown girl.
okay they are depressingly nice at least. (WTF?!?) oh i like the songs photographs and rude boy. :) anyway i think they sorta complement with studying scales for AB213. hurhurhur.
ok this nigahiga video is only remotely funny. but still,...okay i am sure nigahiga didn't learn grammar properly when he's younger. "why chris brown beat rihanna"??? and this isn't an isolated case. hahaha okay enough crapping.
Friday, November 20, 2009
been listening to alot of english and korean songs lately, and they sorta made me feel that chinese songs aren't as pleasing to the ears anymore. Of cuz my favourite chinese songs such as 退后 still stay, but i guess venturing into new areas and picking up new music styles are helpful. 加油。
I must overcome the barriers of the Bm and F! hahaha
and yeah. don't forget to study.
wants to work-work-work my body, but am la-la-la-la-la-zy. talk about recurring words.
argh how do i start recounting the happenings of today, cuz today ended on a bad note.
went to ps yamaha to get my capo. DAMN EX la! 22 bucks for this little black springy thing!
yeah then rehearsal with rubberband at vivo. our songs were all too slow!!! haha. anyway chatted with aijia and chenliang during our break, and i realised that aijia's really a xiao da ren. (and yes, daryl, not jia ai.) she's really quite mature and i really cannot believe that she is just 15.
and i saw Xunqi at vivo. he was performing with syco. omg so qiao! i thought the only place we would ever meet each other would be at mrs liang's house. HAHAH
okay tml sing well, play well, don't break the voice, and don't play wrong notes. :P
and my mom ate my brownies!! hahah ok la it's better this way i guess. won't spoil the throat! :P
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
spent 1/2 the day sleeping, 1/3 on music and youtube and facebook, and 1/6 on books. HURHURHUR
oh yes i dreamt of joshua and melvin yesterday! hahah it's so nice to see them in my dreams...HAHA really miss them man. i know lip yong and josh are back already. WOOHOO! now it's just brandon and melvin who will only return home god knows when... :(
wants to go and have a good run and sweat it out after these few days of inactivity...maybe tml when i will get better. :)
i find it amusing that there are still MCQs in uni exam papers. ok maybe i am underestimating them but still, qualitative MCQs should be easy like hell right! haha :P i seriously dun think i can get As for any of my papers since i dun study alot, but seriously, there's really NOTHING MUCH to study! everything's done and gone into the brain while doing all the projects. i guess i just need to revise and recap the concepts, and memorise some figures. oh man this is so jc geography which i love.
must remember to eat vit c tml! :)
oh and did i mention that i LOVE the weather in november and december?!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Prerequisites for a successful Commercial Singer:
- Good-looking / distinctive style
- Sing really well (distinctive tone, wide range, good control and power)
- Gets to sing good songs
- Dance really well in at least one genre
- Can play at least one instrument very well
- Can compose lyrics/melodies
- Likeable personality
- X-factor???
- either you have all of this or you join a group to cover your weakness and draw on the strengths of your members
- or you are not successful
listening to hwanhee's new album. they didn't make full use of his voice! maybe he's better off in ftts.
Monday, November 16, 2009
bloody irritated-ed by the guy from music and movement.
oh prac with aijia for di yi dian was not too bad. at least we came up with decent arrangements and harmonies.
i think we need to work on our medley. :P
anyway damn tired. i dun feel like studying yet. i think i will start tml morning. plan my revision timetable. and i dun think i can sing tml.
oh just saw this article. which Mr Ting would call their son Real - Mr. Real Ting!?!?!?! hahaahah
Sunday, November 15, 2009
just updated my profile on facebook listing all my favourite singers. :)
family day is good. i miss free sats. :) just baked another batch of brownies with mum. i am mummy's boy. HAHHA
managed to figure out some harmonising parts with rubberband. cool shit.
YAY 2 out of 3 songs done. i need good inspiring lyrics. shall look for inspirations in my dreams.
I think i have been having persistent night coughs lately. HOW. and my sorethroat just doesn't heal. pls let me have a consultation session with lip yong when he comes back. muahaah the advantage of having a doctor-to-be friend.
yesh. really can't wait to see joshua and lip yong again!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
anyway i think i dun have much to study for the exams this sem. :) or at least i think i don't.
and daryl. stop being a closet mugger. we all know that you are one. just mug openly. HAHHA
wants to pick up korean and do choir elective next sem. :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Why classics are classics. Play it, sing it, feel it, and you will know.
The Eagles - Desperado
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses ?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one, I know that you got your reasons,
These things that are pleasin' you can hurt you somehow
kids don't hide their feelings don't they? they cry when they are upset, they laugh when they are playing, and they just don't get near you if they don't like u. HAHAHA
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
the procrastinator can never do a proper to-do list and stick to the timeline. :P
anyway got to know that the news was online too from miaoru's blog:
Rubberband虽然在今年才成立,但演出经验不少。他们常在Love The World Bistro Bar @ Singapore Flyer演出,也在新加坡食品展上表演过。
heehee where is my blank piece of paper?
came across the guitar overtone by chance. HAHA
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
and yes. i think i am on the right path. but to where? :P
oh i just found out about this $99 music video thingie from youtube. freaking awesome.
oh yes and it's the first time i used the hyperlink function. HAHAH
argh. awkward left neck ache and lingering sorethroat and cough. OH NO.
finally finished listening to some of david choi's songs. wow he's amazing i love the quality in his voice. it's like james morisson's. just finished downloading some tabs, including my life would suck without you, hot n' cold, and yes, womanizer. WOOHOO. shall try this tml morning :)
i think i will skip school tml. MUAHAH :)
oh the increase in frequency of blog posts is the epitome of my freedom. to-be freedom. :) WOOHOO.
woohoo. just took the malay tests with cikgu. Erm i was the only one in the room taking the written and aural tests cuz i was on mc last week. hahah quite relaxing la, sit at the back and listen to ppl take their oral tests. abit distracting to write a 50-word (HAHA) essay and comprehension at the same time though...
still have one more report to submit, which is the critique report for AB213. oh well. i think i am slacking off. and looking forward to visiting jiufen, the town that anime movie 'spirited away' was modeled after! :)
life is good. wanna have an overseas trip with my family though.
James Morrison is such a gifted performer.
James Morrison – The Pieces Don’t Fit Anymore
I've been twisting and turning
In a space that's too small
I've been drawing the line and watching it fall
You've been closing me in,
closing the space in my heart
Watching us fading and watching it all fall apart
argh. malay test later! hahah.:P
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
well been in a pretty rough mood nowadays due to never-ending work from school and bad flu which lasted a week. HAHA yeah sometimes life is unfair right, we try to fight it but in the end we just suck our thumb and most on. having said so we do have to be strong and stand our grounds too when we know somethings are not right. but well, i am often too softhearted and end up forgiving ppl for their mistakes. and my bad memory doesn't help. :P
Saturday, November 07, 2009
what the !@#*!@#!#!&@ is wrong with some people? why can't you just give me a decent portion of your report so that i can do a proper compilation. we have 3 people in our group now, and we are supposed to do a 30 page report, but u handed me only 2-3pages for the report???? and no diagrams somemore? am i supposed to pretend that this is an individual assignment and complete the rest by myself????
WTH man what are u doing in my group. you frigging suck.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
oh being rah-rah.
well rubberband had our performance at kent ridge residence today. it was a memorable experience, I am sure we all learned something from it, like it's good to be over-prepared, and be abit more rah rah. HAHA esp with people our age :)
anyway i think i screwed up the bt201 ppt. i was busy, but no excuse. :(
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Prays that there will be enough ink for all the 56 pages that i am printing for BT313. As you can see, I have been preoccupied with so much stuff late, i seriously feel that i have been overloading and putting too much on the plate, possibly leading to indigestion and vomitting. OH NO.
shall sleep for 4 hours before another day starts :)