alright i wasn't feeling too good last wednesday after blogging....actually went to the toilet to puke at midnight. ARGH. worst night in hall.
BUT I AM PERFECTLY FINE NOW! (save the pimple on my nose. HAHAHA)
anyways i think we are almost done with packing. just need to add in abit here and there and we will be flying off tml! :D
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
been slogging for korea the past few weeks, and we are finally going to go there this sat! OMG. however until this moment i still do not have any inkling what korean souvenirs i am going to buy..... DIE. too many ppl know that i am going to korea. HAHHA
almost done with the packing. bought these air-tight bags from daiso yesterday and managed to get abit more luggage space. :) IT'S GOING TO BE DAMN COLD IN KOREA! MAX -7deg!!!
finished my marketing projects slides already. YAY. still waiting for miss jo's reply for my ob project. argh i need to start practising acct and stats. AFTER KOREA PERHAPS :D
DARN acct and stats.
anyway was reading principles of marketing on the train just now and found it to be really interesting. i think i can finish the book in 10 days. :D shall have it for bedtime stories later. OB's interesting too! yay.
anyway i saw feroz on the way back to school and decided to have dinner tgt at macs. on the way back i learnt that i should be less shy about being inquisitive. HAHAHA like if i am blur or if i have a burning question in my mind i should just ask. DON'T BE SHY. :) I AM AN EXTROVERT K!!!!
4 more days to KOREA.
just had this sudden urge to invite everyone over to my house next cny for steamboat. HAHHAHA.
anyway been busy packing. still pondering whether to bring my laptop over to korea, or just upload them onto my email and retrieve them if i need to. :D
i will definitely bring my dslr. i will regret not bringing it. been having lotsa nightmares about arriving somewhere without my camera....HAHHA
5 more days to KOREA!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
yup. a few ppl were wondering why i look unhappy today...well the fact is i really was unhappy. still not very happy with how things unfolded today. like even when ppl said that they really appreciate all that i have done they didn't show it, and instead it's the opposite that happened.
help -> call -> kenna scolding. HAIZ.
yeah just didn't like the feeling at all.
oh well at least i passed my own anger-management tests (yes. PLURAL) today. lotsa unhappy incidents. I wonder when i will explode from all these suppressed feelings...:X
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
jianhao must drink more water and sleep more (sleep before 1am also!)
argh. jianhao is confused about some touchy people issues in hall. OH WELL.
jianhao doesn't like to leave things hanging.
jianhao is getting weaker in his studies. pls work hard!
alright i shall go read up on chapter 1 of the acct text. :D
has so many movies but i do not have the time to watch them!
anyway was reading joel's blog just now. maybe i should only speak in english too to beef up the language. okay no more speaking in mandarin or singlish for the entire week. :)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
once again a very packed day. slept at 3am after talking cock in yf's room...
then woke up at 7 plus to go for 830 OB class, which was not too bad. managed to feel slightly more motivated towards studying.
afterwhich went back hall to pack stuffs and went to ocean butterfly for second round of auditions. then cabbed down to link hotel for tenor dinner treat! hahah the fusion food was not bad. like the laksa and shitake mushroom pastas! :D
then we went to this chillout place at national museum and listened to sugarlove. WOOHOO. they are good.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
the emptiness after cheerleading is slowly setting in... bah.
just wanna make a list of my cheerleading members
1. Neville - coach
2. Charlene - our senior flyer who did not fly this year
3. Guo Liang - power base. damn funny when he does spongebob and does the sniffing action
4. Joseph - my fellow swedish four base
5. Richard - uncle!
6. Ying Guang - neighbour from my floor
7. Issac - Mr Ai-Sakku (i-suck) - stays in 3E-02-14. like directly opp mine
8. Melvin - Mr Lam biz mag and cartwheeler.
9. Sheng Le - my tut mate. poor shoulder-standee
10. Yao Feng - neighbour beside my room. mr YF-FM
11. Jamie - Elbow GIRL!
12. Florina - Fluorine's Sister
13. Tze Wing - Swedish Four Flyer + GL's Sniffee
14. Stephanie - neighbour from my block
15. Ethel - neighbour from my block
16. Li Jun - Tang the Tang Tang
17. Jeanne - Sheng Le's roomie's GF. zai dancer
18. Bi Xia - Partner!
19. Kim Min - CAPTAIN!
20. Charmaine - hall princess. Miss EYE-CANDY!
oh i can reach a D#.
shall work hard for korea. help me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
after 2 months of slack training and last 2 weeks of intensive training...i think we are finally reaching the end of the journey. HAHHA tml's the competition man! woohoo. i think we are 90% prepared just need a little bit more of confidence and smiling. HAHAH
it's my first time joining a non-choral/singing competition after pri school. damn excited. :D
but i have marketing tut tml morning at 830... SIAN.
anyway received a call from ocean butterfly saying that my second audition would be this coming fri. HOWWWWW....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
just had 12 hours of cheerleading practice today after 8 hours of training yesterday. even choir prac hasn't been this siong.
1. basket toss
2. forward roll
3. liberty
4. gymnast
5. swedish four
6. cheers
7. chair
8. dance
9. 2-2-1
10. gladiator
argh i miss choir. okay i will go for vc prac tml! feeling so left out now...HAHA :P
Friday, January 09, 2009
woke up late and cabbed down to smu's ocbc branch. hmmm but we didn't settle anything becuz suelynn didn't bring her real ic! ahahah must rmb next time k? HAHA :D
cheerleading prac ended 15 minutes ago...started at 7.
oh we did lotsa front handspins and failed many times...and i kenna scolding by neville for not catching jamie properly causing her to land on her head. argh i am so sorry...
ben, fran, heli and josh came to eat dinner at ntu. josh is sleeping now. i think i better go bathe... HAHAH
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
how could i bear to pon 2 choir pracs in a row man...
i really have no choice...cheerleading competition is next wed.
oh and i heard another news from guo liang. i got selected as GL for FOC. how. should i accept.
oh and everlyn told me that i missed the cut off point for the semis by a mark. i think she's lying! hahahhahahh
Monday, January 05, 2009
hahaha another trial, another experience. well i think i really tried my best on stage today but i guess the nerves just took over and i couldn't control my voice as well as i should have la. HAHAHAH anyway the other contestants were really quite zai. i saw bee kwee (fran's friend) and also miss yap. HAHAHAHAHA oh and got to know quite a few other peeps la. MOST IMPORTANTLY is that everlyn, wensi and derrick were there to keep me company, help me record video and give me support. HAHAHAHAHA i really gave quite alot of effort for this la. OH WELL. NEXT TIME!! and i should just do more performances (that is if anyone wants to listen to them.:P)
okay consolation: at least i was a step closer than last year when i got kicked out during the auditions. HAHHAHA
ah when i reached home my mom didn't really console me lor. or maybe i was in a bad mood i was quite upset with her. HAIZZZ stupid me. luckily i didn't flare up but pretended to be okay. HAHAHAHAH SORRY MUM.
anyways, cheerleading prac was painful once again. ooo but at least we managed to play badminton and table tennis in between. :) argh i better not do too much of strenous exercises especially those that will tire my right elbow. SHIT.
Friday, January 02, 2009
1. First time attending a concert - Jay Chou's with Deanne
2. VC's Treasure Hunt
1. Joshua and Lip Yong (my two best friends) left for australia
2. had my first trainee (herman) at work after working for merely 2 months
3. Visits to Sandy's cafe (pizza bread and fondue and shepherd's pie)
4. DURIAN ICE CREAMS (from iceskimo and parkway)
1. First Clubbing experience with Belinda, Letitia and Herman
2. Tiger brewery with MMS - Beer RASH?!?
3. Vannessa's Birthday bash (even more rashes)
4. Ben's Surprise Birthday Party
5. NTU medical checkup - suspected to have heart murmur
6. visit to ice cream chefs with VC
7. ECP run with MMS after work
1. SOV
2. Signed up for singing course at Ocean Butterfly
3. Watched 1L of Tears and Hana Kimi
1. Pris's, Mine and Sue Lynn's Birthday Parties
2. Watched Nodame Cantabile
3. Joined the VC Exco
1. Left MMS
2. Highlighted my hair for the first time
3. Hong Kong Trip
4. Singing contest in Malaysia
1. Entered NBS
2. Hall 3
3. My nephew Leroy was born
4. Brandon and Melvin leave for USA
5. Buffet at MMS
6. In Song 08 - the first concert i ever organised
1. Sheena's surprise birthday party at SMU
2. Day-out with Xu Wei, Everlyn and Xianhui to Bukit Timah
3. No internet for a few days
4. Joined Cheerleading
5. Helped ben with his filming. got to know naresh, jb and daniel
6. VC Fashion Disaster Night
1. Hall 3's Shaun's Birthday Party when he was stripped to his undies
2. Subcomm night performance and games
3. Blood donation drive at NTU
4. tried to play Carrom
5. got locked out from my room cuz of poor communication with my roomie. HAHA
6. late night running, badminton and singing with daniel
7. VC sports fiesta
8. tried Drumming for the first time
9. Uniform day in NBS
10. tried sepak takraw for the first time
11. tried hall dance for the first time
12. IPPT - passed
13. met wensi for dinner
14. Late nights doing projects
1. FH3 was published (designed the layout for 2 pages :))
2. 3+1's rooftop and ikea outings
4. learnt about friendship from Alicia
5. Appeared on TV for the first time
6. Said byebye to my fav tut mates
7. lunch with lip yong
8. started watching little nonya
9. bought the xmas tree and decorated it together with daniel. played cards with 3+1 into the morning
10. carolling starts - safra and the pines
1. 3+1 karaoke session at suntec
2. 3+1 movie night in my room
3. dinner with JS and PT
4. sang alto for Joy to the World
5. Shawn's birthday party at Changi
6. Played risk and guitar hero at Josh's place
7. Practised and Auditioned for Impresario - in the quarters for vocal solo now! :D
8. watched 1l of tears again with daniel and wensi
9. photographer for IHG
10. World Youth Choral Festival
11. VC got the NAC grant
12. liaised with Ace99 and Jude for Korea
13. Shooting - got rejected
14. NYDC dinner with MMS peeps
15. Made Lotsa xmas cards
16. Carolling at Selaseh, Evelyn Road, Rivervale, Pan Pac, Copthorne
17. Got a night's stay at Copthorne for free
18. 8 ppl squeezed into a sedan
19. rode a buggy for the first time
20. acct tut outing at Fish and co (Glasshouse)
21 S61 outing at Fish and co (parkway)
22. VC Xmas Party
23. Ge Yao's new year countdown performance at TPY
yay did quite alot of new things this year. even though i didn't follow thru on some of them but at least i tried. i also made a group of new friends and also learnt how to appreciate old friends. and finally learnt how to better manage ppl. :D
needs to learn how to better manage money.
since i can't please everyone, i might as well prioritise.
sorrry cheerleaders have to pangseh you guys tml.
sometimes i don't like to be around my friends, cuz most of them are doing better than me. smarter, fitter, friendlier, more talented, more humourous. hahaahah that's why i should be around them even more.
don't be a retard anymore, jianhao.
and i guess i better change my resolutions:
1. Spend more QUALITY time with my family
2. Spend more QUALITY time with my friends without depleting my bank account
3. Manage VC well
Thursday, January 01, 2009
met michelle, jiamin, kah jun, zhong and weilin at braddell macs to practise at the rc at block 119 (i think) before the event. HAHAHHA it was quite fun singing inside with so much echo. :P
i would like to thank 3+1 and derrick and shaun and yao feng for going to toa payoh to give me their support yesterday for the countdown party performance! hahahahah made barney my photographer for the event...HAHHA after everything we had to help jam band to clear their props from the stage while the belly dancers were on it. woohoo just returned home from derrick's place at cck.
went with 3+1 and derrick to casuarina to eat prata. ok service was quite bad but the food's good! :D counted down at the shop before we picked up the heineken and baileys from my house before we went over to derrick's house to play cards and ps2. HAHAHA then 3+1 had to squeeze on 2 single beds while derrick slept on his di lam. in the end we didn't drink the alcohol (AGAIN). nvm. HAHaHA anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
I better post up my new year resolutions soon. :D