Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
haven't woken up past 8 in the past week. it was shiok to wake up at 9 today. hurhurhur.
wahhhhh i can't believe that i have almost no time to post the past week. blah.
had a lousy melaka trip yesterday. was very unhappy with how the 5 tour guides we hired work. they kinda sucked. tour guides really make or break the tour.
anyway met up with alicia for lunch on friday after an 11-hour train ride from kuala lipis to tanjong pagar. train rides suck. it was cold but i didn't bring my jacket. so i was standing at the carriage connectors where it was wamer like 50% of the time. hurhurhur.
will post up pictures very soon! probably in an hour's time before i leave for office. kns. have to go to office on a sunday. woohoo.
haven't had a dose of naruto/bleach/onepiece in 2!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
would like to stay at home for a day and let my mind go blank for a day if possible. hurhurhur. i dun have time to update anything yet.
going to melaka tml for a day trip.
someone pls remind me to register for my modules
met up with 4-4 peeps at clarke quay for dinner. thanks for the cake and present guys!! :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
It’s as if I just experienced a plane crash and was thrust onto the malay archipelago. I was saved by the kind malay villagers and they lent me shelter for the next few nights. As I wash off the sweat and dirt from my body and mind, I clearly hear the music of muslim prayers just outside the bathroom. HURHURHUR.
Okay I don’t really fancy bathing in cold water, or sleeping without blanket. HAHAHA but oh well I am totally not prepared for this situation, having brought only one small towel and 1 pair of long pants with me (heng ar at least I brought something to dry myself with).
I tried paintball for the first time in my life in KL, and it was really quite a thrilling experience. I like how we cover for each other as we move through the battlefield, and I even got one yellow paint shot directly on my google just in front of my left eye. WOOHOO! (well I have never practiced prawling and shooting at the same time. Hurhur)
Okay actually as I am typing this I kind of am missing my life in Singapore, but we are going white water rafting, abseiling, flying foxing, 4 wheel driving, and night caving. LOOKING FORWARD TO ALL THESE AMAZING THINGS! oh and SY and Ijah are with me on the tour. Heehee.
at kuala lipis waiting for the train @ 2am back to singapore. now at "ite simei - live in kuala lipis" karaoke session. hurhurhur.
i miss everyone in singapore. :P
giant centipede!!!
with my colleague sy before heading for whitewater rafting!
after 3 hours of jungle trekking. shaggz and dirty. sangat kotor!!!
with an orang asli family
on the train back to tanjong pagar with barely 4Xhalf-an-hour of sleep
Sunday, June 20, 2010
i know i am supposed to have bathed and went to sleep already by now.... HAHAHA!!
just came back from ping pong sessions with hj and ob peeps at scape. it's frigging ex! $10 for half an hour! kns. hahaha
anyway tml i am going to jerum besu for 4 days. trekking, ...rock climbing, ...white water rafting, ...paintball. i can only see but cannot participate. KNS. HAHAHA
congrats to alex for getting the most talented chinese music performer!! :)
dinner at taiwan cafe was cool. we kept singing to the songs although alot of them were not popular at all. and we tried playing abracadabra simultaneously on 4 phones. hurhur. thanks gesline for the ride home! :)
marvelous! i went for 1d durian tour without eating durians. HAHAH!!! but got lotsa makan makan back. :D
had a new girl called joanne attached to my tour. wah i was waitering, singing, mc-ing and liaising with everyone throughout the day. and my bus watched ip man 2 on the long journey! haha nice....
Friday, June 18, 2010
UPLOADING :P i am missing the peeps at nongsa point marina already. and of cuz those from blc. and of cuz thanks to my colleague kelvin for all the help he has rendered throughout the past few days. and the keropok of cuz! hahaha
oh well. something's wrong with blogger. maybe i will upload tml. :)
i realised i will need to know a taiwan tour guide before i go taiwan again next time. shall ask minjin for recommendation tml. :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
one of the perks of a tour leader is that you get to know the managers in the hotel like the FOM, F&B manager, chef. hahahah chef rudy just made me a nice glass of avocado juice after i showed them a picture of my girlfriend (a glass of avocado juice from medan). he added some milo powder on top to enhance its taste. YUM YUM! :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
another hectic day! woohoo ferry arrangement at harbourfront was kinda a nightmare at the beginning, but luckily everything got sorted out!
the service personnel at nongsa point are really good. i would hire them at my hotel if i ever open one. :) adis, scherly, and andre, and a few others. nice peeps!
Monday, June 14, 2010
hahah i dunno how come the pic become like this. oh well... :P
hey peeps!
currently in batam now, waiting for my group to finish shopping, so i had a little bit of time to rest and blog a lil before the madness comes in during the evening conference and dinner. HAHA!
if you need to reach me, can call +62 (0) 87880 406693 - okay the(0) is there because i dunno if there is a need to press it or not. hahah :P
anyway email, facebook and tagboards are easier to access. i will try to read them everyday if possible! :)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
i just woke up from a night of cordon bleu, red wine, tiger beers and lychee margaritas.
i managed to did like 300rm worth of shopping in 1 hour for my family at sunway pyramid yesterday. now i know how business travellers feel when they have to buy things back home for their family. rushing and zipping between stores is no joke. HAHA!
yeah i am glad the group that i was managing love marks and spencer chocs and biscuits. got some for them and they swooped the entire box into their mouths. woohoo! they were really cool and funny aunties and uncles and they took really good care of me, and this trip allowed me to sleep in a nice, comfy hotel bed and have buffets, with my favourite pancakes, sunny-side-up, chocolate balls and pastries, for every meal (which i am missing now since i just woke up and hasn't had any breakfast or lunch yet.) i like being able to run around the hotel doing errands and logistics for them, making sure the hot water was hot, making sure the sick saw the doctor, making sure the food wasn't too spicy. HAHA!
okay i think i reached singapore around 8pm and headed to arts house immediately to see some of my favourite peeps in ntu - 3+1/sunkids. HAHA! yeah had some strawberry shortcakes from rive garche and lotsa lychee margaritas. HAHAH i bet i was already drunk before i even left the place. barney was crazy enough to spit water out of his mouth after i mentioned the word anniversary. and wowwww. so many new couples in hall! hahahah congratssss peeps! too bad ykx left before i arrived
was talking to yongkai on the train to hougang about shanghai and travelling. BAH i wanna go. HAHA
eh okay and the next few hours probably happened in a flash - met daryl at hougang. went to the toilet. got picked up by zach. picked up chunrong in sengkang. picked up from miaory from her house. then headed to bark cafe. sat down before we decided to take the cake and leave since they weren't serving food. gesline dropped wenhao there and we decided to squeeze 4 guys at the back. we then headed to the nearest 24hr kopitiam and bought dinner/supper and left for miaory's house, where the horror started.
the match between england and usa was a distraction. nic came and tantalised us with news that his friend, cherissa, was coming since he left her alone at the chalet or something. HAHA but she didn't come. in the end lotsa dirty action took place at miaory's house after 1 bottle of cordon bleu was used up. MY GOD. i think i was the culprit for all the merlioning by XXX and YYY. ahahha! i also felt like merlioning but decided to keep it in by swallowing my saliva. hurhurhur. then i remembered playing blacksheep-whitesheep game with them, and also johnnie-whoosh. hurhur hopefully none of those 見不得光 moments will ever be revealed to others. HAHAH! thank you so much zach for sending me home at 6am. miaory i wanted to give him a kiss but he shooed me off the car. HAHA nic was there to be a witness. ask him.
thanks guys! i love u peeps. (hurhur)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
just had a short trip to alamanda shopping centre, as uncle tony needs to see the doctor because he had fever and flu. so we went together with auntie ann and now uncle tony is back in his room. hope he sleeps well and recovers by tomorrow! :) gottta go back there to collect the doktor's report tml because i forgot to tell the doctor to write it just now - he just went straight for dinner after the consultation. HAHAHA oh yeah the shopping centre looks like jurong point on the interior, and like all the major shopping malls, familiar brand names like starbucks, secret recipe and giordano make up much of the composition of stores. okay later birthday cake for kiat seng and the other june babies! surprise surprise. :P
did i mention i just spent 20rm on internet. HAHA i am glad i didn't take my afternoon nap in order to finish the parts which i am supposed to complete for fyp! :P
the black hole on my computer seem to have become smaller! amazing.
i have 6 pillows in my room. hurhurhur. got BIG MEDIUM SMALL somemore!
i am currently staying at pullman putrajaya lakeside with my group. there's nothing to do here, since the hotel is like beside a lake and there's nothing beside. okay starting on day 0 i thought that it's a 5-star hotel. it is, but it's a 5-star hotel with 1-star service, which has been unhelpful and inattentive to our needs. okay after meeting the directors and managers i hope things become better. :)
i am about to start on my FYP now! :)
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
got to tour lead (last-minute) for april tml, so 9-12 june in putrajaya. pray hard that everyone will be safe and well! :)
wait for my return on sat! need to read up on info about hotel and area around it before i sleep, and then wake up at 430 later on. HURHURHUR.
just had a fruitful meeting with prof gerard, xianhui and daniel. i hope i can finish the survey in putrajaya by thur night! hahahahah WIRELESS PLS!!!
anyway 能夠用錢解決的問題就不是問題了。
Sunday, June 06, 2010
just woke up from an afternoon nap at my sis's place, and cleared some urgent work using her computer also. i really hope no storm starts to brew. :P
breakfast with ob peeps at cedele wheelock place was SOOOOOOO FILLING to the point that i couldn't finish my favourite carrot cake! for those of u who didn't had the chance to taste it, go go go! i love scrambled eggs and sausages. :)going out for dinner with 4-4 peeps in a while at bugis! :)
Saturday, June 05, 2010
i really miss all the kids from blgps. i had illusions of people calling "kor-kor nat" yesterday, and even until now i can still hear their voices ringing in my head. HAHAH yeah but like ailisha has said, they will probably forget about me after a week or so. jhaahaha i tried my best to win their hearts over, and trying to keep their love with me as long as possible. i know it will all be gone, but at least i had those few precious moments in my life spent with them. :)
just came back from a haircut at next with regina. WOOOHOOO. my hairdresser phyllis, who also happens to be miaoru's, was laughing at the 'knots' on my hair earlier on. :P
i had sooooo much fun with all the children in malacca and kl. i miss them already!!! :(
hhahah some of the things we've done:
- the whole bus kept singing 2 songs (baby and eenie meanie) throughout the entire trip. now i know how to sing them already. HAHAHA justin bieber fever made at least 3 of them buy justin bieber's cds from the shop at mid valley.
- celebrated and gave a brithday surprise to gwen (woohoo i made a card for her and asked everyone to write on it secretly! haha)
- visited quite a few landmarks, such as the tugu negara and st francis xavier's church's ruins in melaka
- had really nice cheese wedges at tesco's kfc!!! woohoo.
- visited the handicapped training centre and the indian orphanage: we helped to clean up and sort rubbish for 2 hours at the centre, and then the next day played games with the kids at the nearby field. should ask mrs tan to help plan games in their next trip she's really good!
- brought jedrek to the clniic at klcc when he was feeling pain in the tummy. even before he had medicine, i bought him for mushroom soup at dome, and he was already feeling better. HOW FAST WAS THAT. HAHAH
- i guess the only thing that i was short off was a group photo with them. OH WELLs. I got a peck on the cheek from some of the boys sitting at the back, and the kids in front gave me sasuke keychain. GOOD 'NUFF! :)