Wednesday, April 09, 2008

...been drinking alot for the past few days. POOR LIVER.
went to tiger brewery yesterday with my hotel peeps. it was a whole lot of fun!!!!
the initial part was rather boring when we went to take a walk around the brewery smelling and looking at fermentation processes....yawns.... then we went to the packaging department and saw boxes of TIGER BEER. hahahahh i was tempted to just run out of the factory with 2 boxes in my arms. WHEEE. hahahah okay then we went to THE TAVERN, where all the fun begins. our guide told us that we can have FREE FLOW of beer over there. HEEHEE you are envious now aren't you...
i think i had one of the nicest catered buffet over here...yah okay so we had lotsa drinking and drinking games and drunk singing and drunkards carrying drunkards around the lounge.

hahahahah it was hysterical. i think i laughed too much. hurhurhur.

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