hello!!!! :P time for photos!
okay pretty much just walked around hong kong and did most of the shopping for the family and friends. HAHA oh and we had porridge, dim sum, australian dairy and gongcha! i miss gongcha in hk! hahah :)
o then first day in san francisco was sightseeing day!
We had breakfast with our leadings terence and amanda at the crew joint and had really wonderful hashbrowns and 9 mini pancakes! (but the poached eggs weren't very naise) HAHA

and then we chanced upon the picturesque palace of fine arts just 5 minutes walk from the beach. NAISE! they were planning a wedding reception inside with a limousine parked at the entrance.
the next day i woke up early and thank god for free in-room wifi, i managed to skype with alicia! hahahha and then I took to the streets at 7.30am!
hahahah we met for breakfast at an american diner and they had wonderful hashbrowns (more like rosti) and mega pancakes and the environment was great. I still remember that martha was the name of the lady who served us breakfast. :) 
didn't manage to take much pictures during the shopping. only thing is that some brands are really very cheap in the US, such as Ben & Jerry's, Apple and SuperDry! HAHA we then had a really really huge lunch at cheesecake factory. their cheesecakes were awesome! too bad I couldn't bring any back to share! hahhaa

when we came back to hk, it was all shopping and catching up on sleep (which was futile...HAHA). managed to have sushi at sushi one, had dim sum again, and we sang karaoke at neway! the service and system were SOOOO MUCH better than kbox's. HAHAHA
okay that's all folks! :) ooo i just met up with pp at terminal 1 for lunch! heehee
i still miss everyone. I brought ghiradelli chocs back! meet up meet up!
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