Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the worst thing to happen to anyone is to get scolded for nothing, and not being able to scold the 'scolder' back.

the place i am working at is plagued with too much inefficiencies. it sux to be under like 5 people at the same time. their attachment program is sucky, yet the exposure to the tourism industry is excellent. i just came from this hk travel commission in the morning (after swollowing all my tears, and some not-too-good hotel food. the triple mushroom soup was delicious though! hahaha) and got to meet many hk tour and hotel operators. that's why it's okay. and stop maligning me by saying that i am trying to be politically correct but never do my work. nvm. 我忍.

ashli told me to eat more when i am stressed. she also contributes to my stress lor. HAHHAHA

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