Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
went mbs with alicia and jieying this morning. i finally saw the legendary makoto who brought us for a house tour in one of the rooms. ok much of the facilities are not done yet, with lotssa dust flying around everyone, and the river in the shopping mall is not even constructed properly yet.
wooohooo kbox with zach, miaoru and alicia. heard from zach that the carpark is only laid with cement and nothing else. WAH MBS really rushed into all these leh. not good not good.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
why so blur ar, fiona! hahahaha
woohoo! iris's surprise bday party was a success! well done regina and wendy and iris's school friends! hahaah :)
we had dinner at F.I.S.H. and iris got to stand on the chair and sang a song for us. HAHAHA! " 。。。我要。。。相信你是愛我的,。。。"
Then we went to cine kbox to have $8 ktv! woohoo. :)
hopefully everyone can be awake for school later! :D
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
after having avocado milk for some time, i have my own ranking of avocado milk in singapore! haha remember it's avocado MILK, NOT avocado JUICE! i like avocado milk with ice more than its blended version. ;) it's only good if it's a pale-ish green, like the one above.
1. MAXWELL FOOD CENTRE (Fruit drink stall at the last row along the centre aisle) - well-blended, creamy, rich taste of avocado
2. Thai Express
3. Block 226 AMK St 22 Kebun Baru Mall (Cheap ($2) and good! only drawback was that it was a lil milky.)
4. NTU North Spine
the one opp andy's shop at Blk 724 AMK Central Market and Food centre USED TO BE CHEAP and GOOD until they stopped selling avocado milk. KNS.
and the rest i have tasted were quite yucky, like the one i had at amk hub b2. TOO CREAMY and PANDAN-ish. and a few others.
AND i found some nutritional facts too! contrary to what iris has said, avocado doesn't have any trans fats!
swallows saliva.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
met alicia for 'lunch' at amk hub. HAHHA just came back from 5 strraight hours of karaoke-ing with jialing at kallang cineleisure's kbox. WHOAH only 8 dollars!!! very cheap. HAHA until 30th i think for kbox members. both of us missed the last train for circle line. so had to drop off at tai seng. HAHAH
WHOAH i am really happy today. 因為今天的狀態真的是誇張的好,應該以後都不會有這樣的機會了。。。 我在這5個小時裡頭知道了偶像蕭敬騰在台上歌唱是多麼地輕鬆自如。。。真的很 lucky 有這樣的機會。。。hahahahaha maybe it's just that i didn't have dinner! hahahah or maybe it's the pandan-ish avocado milkshake i had at amk hub, right alicia? hahaha maybe it's the char siew bun.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
so,....where am i heading to for my internship this may?????????
just came back from my sis's house. tml would be 2nd shift. watched 功夫灌篮 and 红白喜事 today. SLACKER.
HAHHAHA i went all the way to the hawker centre at amk only to find out that they weren't selling avocado milk today...had to settle for a less tasty substitute nearby.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
really really shaggs from the lack of sleep.
celebrated regina and iris's birthday at the korean restaurant opp red dot traffic. yay i like korean noodles and rice, the rice cakes were really sticky! hahhaa yeah had avocado milk from maxwell before that. LOVES AVOCADO!
after which we went to play like 300 rounds of murderer at studio. went home at 6am.
then woke up at 11am to attend nadiah's wedding! hahah my first time attending a malay wedding! i love nadiah!!!! my favourite police officer. HAHAH really really happy for her and wish her an everlastingly happy marriage! :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
every wednesday night i will visit zipia.net to look for inspiration on what to wear on thur. HAHA but on thur i nv look like anyone inside. HAHAHAHHAHA
ZIPIA rocks. and i saw my brown pants on zipia!!! finally my taste is acknowledged. HAHA for those who said this is ugly. zipia and i own you. WOOHOO.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
still at my sis's place helping my mom to babysit her kids. BLAH.
RM meeting in the afternoon. before that was guest speaker wang wei. she should SERIOUSLY replace michael li as lecturer. li is a piece of shit. i think i am biased.
bah i have a thousand things to do tml. choir assessment is TML!!! i am so dead. so dead...and i have to complete the group RM assignment and individual RM assignment by tonight. no need to sleep liao. tml 12pm must hand up to my dear group mates.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
old liao. everyone is having fun at ob while i am staying at home on this saturday night. HAHHA have to look after kids mah...
i think when i feel tired during a run it's a good thing - it shows that the body is not adapting to the exercise regime, and so more tissues can be destroyed and then rebuilt! woohoo!
Friday, April 09, 2010
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
talking to huanjie on the train made me realised that we got severe 代沟. HAHHA!!! his version of 老歌s are from the 1980s. Mine's from the 1960s and 1970s. WTH man. HAHHA!
have to thank peiqiang and huanjie laoshis for helping us with the video recordings today! singing was really much much easier to do than talking in front of the cam. oh yeah wenhao rebonded his hair! hahah and it's quite cheap. like only 60 bucks. HOW COME!?!?!!? aahahah
tml will be my basketball match with alicia yap and irene chng. 2 girls bully 1 guy. not fair. HAHA JIAYOU! :)
had this in my heart for a few weeks already because of an sms. but just thought that tonight is the right time to say it out.
我不是你的奴隸。就算我是,我也是很忙的奴隸, 沒空應酬你。
女爵 is not an easy song to sing! woots.
oh yeah kns i saw mark lam on the train this morning on the way to smu. yeah then bt203 meeting was all fluff. we just played alot on floor planner. HAHA!
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
just came back from stardust semis with ob peeps. woohoo miaoru got into finals! congrats! :) well done still to zach, nic, yikang, alex and zhuming! :) oh i saw adi, who was playing for one of the finalist! hahah
went to arcade and played hoops. woohoo my basketball tossing skills improved since i played with alicia and irene few days ago!
okay now on to vc and school work. :P
Friday, April 02, 2010
woke up at 830 for prof gerard's lesson. ahhaha yeah then we finally presented during bt202! whee.
went to orchard to meet chunrong in the afternoon for the haircut at the korean salon! i really liked that lady who cut my hair! she's really friendly, and the cut's cool! i think i will go back there again.
had lesson at ob. just came back from boon tong kee supper with ob peeps. :) food's good and company's good but i was really tired. HAHAH! can't wait to go to bed now!
needs to make my facial expressions more pleasing to the eye. :P