Wednesday, August 05, 2009

alright! while i am waiting for my hair to dry might as well update what happened today. ahhah i always tell myself that this blog is an avenue for me to post all the events that happened so that i can always have some reference if i ever lose my memory. HAHA

yeah had a long day today.

met ivan to window shop for HDD at funan. daryl joined us later and we went to excelsior to fix his guitar strings. then we trained down to ob to meet miaoru and zach, both of whom were TERRIBLY late! blah.

hahah yeah we practiced LOVE and when you say nothing at all for a while, then cabbed down to changi biz park. was late too when we arrived at nestle. saw siying and her intern friend, and jane and carilyn from the marketing dept. they sorta liked our performance. HAHA

yeah then went to kbox at cine with zach and miaoru. hahah alot of ppl came i think. can' count. around 18 bah. HAHA! had so much fun. that's why i am home so late. MUAHAHAH

oh yeah thanks daryl for helping me get the shakers. :)

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