Monday, June 29, 2009

woohoo! 600th post! hehe

yeah these past few days haven't been very good for me, in the sense that alot of questions about my abilities were raised and i sorta lost quite a fair bit of self-confidence.

was helping my sis with her kids cuz she had to go for this sudoku challenge thingie. hahaha yeah my mom was freezing inside parco bugis. :P
performed for terr's teacher's (and mother-in-law-to-be) concert on saturday. erm. wasn't good at all. my perf sux man...oh got to know huai zhi who's a speech therapist! suelynn go talk to him! haha yeah bought tau sa pia from balestier. actually wanted to give some to vc peeps but they didn't come for the concert event in the end. and, they also didn't want to wait for sandy and i for supper. haha oh well no luck for them. :P

went to support miaoru for a million star pk finals at kallang leisurepark. there were really alot of good singers over there like aijia, diya and sly. i didn't know that sly can actually sing quite well until now. HAHA but he didn't get in anyway.

oh this is my teacher sherlyn :)

after that went to j8 to have dinner with nichole, sheena and jingzhi. ok that's the happiest thing i have done in ages. hahaha haven't laughed for heartily for very was really great listening to them talk about life over chicken rice, fishball soup, sweet potato and banana fritters with coconut. HAHA yeah good food and good company. :)

it really sux not to be the CHOSEN few/one... but I will not give up!! make more music!!! make better music!!! and find my voice!!! i don't wanna sound like jj or zhang xin zhe or xiong tian ping!

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