alright. finally time to blog about korea all i want. :)
- seoul's freaking cold, and i got to wear as many layers of clothing as i want!
- seoul's really windy too esp during the extension trip. oh well i bathed a LITTLE LESS and got smelly feet the moment we reached dongdaemun. HAHHAHA so i decided to bathe a little more.
- initially caught flu on day one but i recovered with sue's medicine and sandy's liang teh.
- suelynn and i were the tour guides for the trip. MUAHAHAHA
- drank water from convenience marts everyday cuz water is not potable in korea. spent alot of money buying mineral water! hahha
- did pseudo-yoga exercises every morning to warm up the body. some ppl are just very flexible while SOME AREN'T. like me and.... HAHHAHAHA
- went to frasers suite where by the gm of the serviced residence, jerry gan, is the president of the singapore club. he hosted us and took us around for a tour of the apartments.
- went to ewha women's university for a conductor masterclass conducted by nelson and we were the demo choir. saw how conductors get psychomotor problems with 4/4 and 3/4 timings. HAHAH watch out for the video that i took for this event!
- singapore ambassador chua was really nice and he invited us to dinner at the shilla hotel, one of seoul's premier hotels, and we did a mini-performance. oh but i didn't really like networking. HAHHAHAH anyway i am relieved we asked everyone to wear really nice blazers and formal jackets to the event. HAHA!!!! pats shoulders.
- did ironing the night before the concert. thanks to sandy and sam and yc and nelc and minguo for helping out with the ironing! roomie emma was not bad at picking up this essential bachelor skill.
- seoul arts centre is really a great place to sing in. great acoustics, big stage,... we had to sort out our choreos on stage with nelson in the afternoon during the rehearsal and i had to pull a long face at everyone. HAHAH SORRY LA GUYS! i really would rather you get scolded by sue lynn and i than to be scolded by nelson. HAHAH
- the concert itself was ABOVE AVERAGE *quotes nelson. heeheee second half was clearly much better so kudos to the ppl who stayed on for the second half! the hall was quite filled! :D
- i really enjoyed the post-concert celebration that we had at the bar near to our co-op residence. the bar belonged to jude's friend so he helped us to book the bar and also ordered food. sue and i went to take a look at the bar the night before and thought that it was really nice! hahhaah yah we had so much fun that night with cass (a korean beer) and soju and fried chicken and omelette and skewers...OH MAN THAT WAS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!!!also managed to kapo some korean pop music from the bar owner!!! HAHAHAHAHA best takeaway from the trip!
- jude became drunk that night, and we insisted that he hire a cab to go home. in the end he didn't even listen to us and drove to his office and then had more alcohol before driving home. oh man. he's damn emo that night, telling us how he really treated us like his own family and i really miss him!!!!! he's freaking nice!!!!
- oh my seoul's a food paradise. bulgogi, bibimbap, msg soup, glass noodles, samkiapsai (sam cham ba), cinnamon pancakes, seaweed, soju....OH MY!!!! i just didn't like kimchi at all. AHAHA
- there are lotsa cosmetics shops like face shop, skin food, etude alot as gifts for family and friends as well as for yours truly! :D
- burnt my gloves at a radiator in a cosmetics shop
- shopping at dongdaemun was fantastic. the wholesale market had a really really wide variety of clothings to choose from, it's just that they only sell in bulk. and that's why i couldn't get the tee and belt i want. oh well. we went to another few malls like hello apm and good morning (hhaha weird names i know...) and the service there was much better. the vendors were telling each other that there are 3 singaporeans walking around the mall and better make a hell load of money out of them. HAHA no la there were really nice and took out all the short-sleeve tees that we requested. it's really funny all of them had the same reaction ("OKAY!") and then took out their stack of clothes from underneath the clothes on sale.
- shopping and eating till the wee hours (3/4am) is really common as the stores in dongdaemun are open for nearly 24 hours! that's korean night life for u :)
- had a museum tour planned by jude for the extension ppl. got some really sweet treats over there!!! hahahah
- loves the diary from insadong, the ice cream from myeong dong, strawberries from dongdaemun, the hyundai seaweed from coex mall, and donuts from last minute shopping at the airport.
- i am mesmerised by korean pop music.
- saw this really nice waitress from this fusion food restaurant twice. once at insadong and the next time at myeong dong. HHAH~!! what a coincidence. she was very surprised to see us at myeong dong and immediately blurted our "insadong!". HAHAH
- didn't realise how much a bimbo and himbo siying a.k.a. sally and asik a.k.a. klasik was until the trip. go visit
- taxi in seoul is uber cheap. the meter starts at 1900won and doesn't jump until around 10 minutes later. MUAHAHHAH and so we stopped taking the subway. HEEEHEE
- too bad there's no snow.
- boeing777-300ER was really much nicer than boeing777-200. wah liao!!! damn comfy la! and the entertainment was much better. i was busy uploading photos onto my harddrive on the plane with gim sen's and sam's comp. HAHHHA i must have been the busiest passenger on the plane running around every 5 minutes. HAHHA oh the strawberry cheesecake ice cream that sia served was really really nice! must get it again!!! oh but the cheese on sq18 was really good.
- it's kinda difficult to spot an exceptionally beautiful korean in seoul. wonder why. even plastic surgery and tons of cosmetics don't work very well.
- BUT BUT BUT ---> the korean style of service is very very commendable, and i got alot of namecards from alot of ppl.
- and the amount of media coverage we have in korea thanks to jude - appearing live on national tv, featuring in premier korean choral and orchestral magazine and arts paper, radio broadcast and online streaming of our performances. and kiat just showed me a web news article about us at shilla hotel. WAH LIAO! we better work hard for the press release(s) in singapore!!!!
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