Thursday, December 27, 2007

incredible. i had my first japanese conversation with 2 japanese guests today. i was helping them with their luggages cuz they seem to have some difficulty moving it on their on. haha it all started out as an english convo but i wanted to test my jap. so they were leaving the hotel and i wanted to ask them until what time they will be leaving their luggages at our hotel. ok i was slurring and pausing here and there... hahaha then this indian guy from concierge suddenly started asking them questions in fluent japanese. hahaha i was totally stunned. yah totally amazed. oh well. but i think i was nice enough to help them with their luggages that they decided to take pictures with me. YAY my first pictures with my guest in the hotel. too bad i won't get to have the photos. AHAHAHA. i know i have 2 japanese colleagues and alot of fillipino colleagues working with me. this is so exciting. must ask my japanese colleagues to help me with jap lang. :D

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