Friday, October 06, 2006


i think i have weird dreams.
this morning i dreamt that i was in the 'a' level period and was supposed to be studying for it, but i will also be going to the us and japan, so i was packing my bags and i realised i don't have enough winter clothing since it is going to be winter soon. then an even bigger realisation came when i got to know that i was not going to go to these two countries for whatever reasons and i have to go back to studying, and this was when i woke up in the dream, not from the dream. so i was very disappointed and then went back to sleep. hmmm then i had another dream immediately whereby i was in a humungous hotel that was very beautiful. i was walking in its narrow passageways which always seem to come to dead ends. then i wanted to go to the toilet and i knew where the toilet was. i was walking then i saw one of the cleaner coming out from the passageway leading to it, and i saw a lot of people queuing outside the toilet but i decided to go there nonetheless. then i discovered that the passageway had turned into a slit mysteriously and there was no way i can go through. and i kept sneaking into one of the hotel rooms to do something and was discovered by the occupants when i was always about to leave the rooms who happened to be two of my friends whom i cannot remember now. during the last adventure into this room, i happened to see two of my friends joshua and sheena sitting on the brick tile roof top outside the room through the big rectangular glass windows. then i think we flew down to the lake side outside the hotel and then sheena boarded a very big flying flower and she uttered something like fairy before the flower started to become very roller-coasterish and we went WHOOPS. then i woke up. then i was relieved that i have already taken my examinations last year.
talking bout exam stress i think it drags on for a few years some people still can't get over it.

1 comment:

sheena said...

WHAT? i boarded a BIG FLOWER.