okay...almost couldn't fix the ear stick back in.
it was poking quite a few other spots on the ear before that.
ouch, and PHEW. :)
Monday, January 31, 2011
woohooo great song!
woohoo fyp today was kinda fun :) daniel stayed for dinner and monopoly deal and passed me some great movies! woohoo. :)
and thanks pp for the strawberries, blueberries and cny cornflake cookies! :) stop trying to not get my help by lying. RARRRR. i hate people who are nicer than me. HAHAHAHA
Sunday, January 30, 2011
woohoo. had a great day out with alicia, jieying, irene, jerrick, xiuqi, eechen, elizabeth and kevin. HAHAH kevin. yeah.
met up at nex to do some cny shopping before stopping by teadot for some matcha frappe! naise!
had seafood dinner at buangkok and really had our fill. too much food and we decided to solve the problem with zhong ji mi ma. AHAH after that we went kbox at hougang...RAR i am dead beat.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Had a great day with Daniel and Joel at my house, where we practiced for open house and did spss. Okay Daniel I promise to do the work on Sunday k!!! Hahaha and ur pineapple cookies are fantabulous. Hahaha after that met Yy for dinner at ichiban. Woohoo the wasabi there rox. Then we had koi where Daniel failed to get the straw for his machiatto. Hahahha yah then it was monopoly dealing at some Hk dessert shop at the old jubilee building.
Okay now off for supper with Ob peeps at rk! :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
woohooo just back from crystal jade dinner with alicia and jieying. it was the first time we had to move the cups and plates ourselves when moving to another table. What....
okay met up with terribly late people in the afternoon for lunch. HAHAHA lunch at itacho was super worth the money!!! $0.60 and $0.40 for one sushi, really quite a bargain. HAHAHA
afterwhich we took off to haji lane to get chun rong's gladiator sandals and his sleeveless denim jacket. HAHAH naise.
and then we had super naise koi bubble tea at iluma. serious stuff. i love the green tea macchiato!
we then accompanied diva to square 2 for ob performance. HAHAHA and then played 2-men monopoly deal with alex at seoul yummy. HAHAHA
Saturday, January 22, 2011
just remembered that pp, siyun and i were talking about what a singapore version of final destination would be like. HURHURHUR. what if someone's tie got stuck in the train doors and the train continued to move? T______T hahah thoughts like this must have originated from pre-school stress. school starting next week, and i haven't got all the modules i want. time to crash lectures and tutorials and curry favour the lecturers.
and so i just passed the oven to pp for her cny cookie-baking. HAHA.
yeah met up with thm peeps, and had dinner at art cafe opened by irene ang. quite nice food there. i had long island tea since i was sooooo full from the gong cha, dim sum and salmon sashimi. HAHA then we went to macs to play monopoly deal! hahahahh okay photos :)
just out from the pool!
i had gongcha melon tea. OKAY okay. oolong and green tea really much naiser!!!
the view at the rooftop on OC is damn naise. oh yah. and we did some serious retail therapy at topman sale. HAHHAHAHAHAHA.
thm peepos! dinnering and monopoly-dealing. HAHAH
Friday, January 21, 2011
Haahah waiting at tanjong pagar to have dinner with Thm peepos. Haha
Had a great boy's day out (okay, fine. Men's day out) with lip yong and boyang. Went swimming in the morning and it was chilly! Super cold and feeling retarded swimming in that weather. Hahaha yah then we had like 20 pieces of salmon sashimi each at my house cuz my mom bought 2 huge packets at thirty plus each. Salmon and wasabi spamming session!!! Hahahahha
Yup then we had dim sum at taste paradise.
Okay peepos here. Update later.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
woohooo rubberband did a studio cover of teenage dreams today. HAHAHA will post it here once it's up.
some of the more interesting things that happened today included the M&S milk choc digestives, the jazz notes on guitar, the dry ban mian and our convo about dogs at the kopitiam. HAHAH!
eh zach. must play the guitar until you grow calluses on your fingertips. then will be even more motivated! hahahha
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
你現在想著誰 有沒有和我相同的感覺
固執等著誰 卻驚覺已無法倒退
曾經想一起飛 在自己心中蓋了座花園
你現在想著誰 有沒有和我相同的感覺
固執等著誰 卻驚覺已無法倒退
曾經想一起飛 在自己心中蓋了座花園
你現在想著誰 有沒有和我相同的感覺
固執等著誰 卻驚覺已無法倒退
曾經想一起飛 在自己心中蓋了座花園
把你的一切 都種在這個地點
oh ramen lunch at santouka 山頭火 (it looks like 大頭山 though hahahah) was sumptuous! the serving was sooooo huge i am sure i was 120% full (since i had the additional bowl of rice and like half of irene's soup too. HAHAHA!)
then we went to marina bay sands to visit old friends, and also to visit the sky park for free!! hahaha thanks irene! wahh the infinity pool was kinda intimidating. HAHAH! would like to have a swim there in the future. and then we went to far east to do a little shopping, and that's when we got so thirsty the first thing we thought of was COKE. :)
just came back home from my sis's house. HAHA naughty alicia and leroy!! watched enchanted for the gazillionth time!
waiting for irene's and alicia's photos. shall go jogging later on! :)
Monday, January 17, 2011
okay. time to go run again.
before that just wanna say another door to a world of new tunes just opened 2 hours ago and i am really excited.
here are some tips i got from eric yesterday:
- limit the range of a song to slightly more than an octave
- be clear on what to emphasise on, your voice or the song
- a good commercial song comprises of a good melody and a suitable structure
- to obtain proper structure and to create the hook, have not more than 3 motifs in the chorus
and i just found out that jay chou uses alot of repeat and reverse motifs in his songs, like 菊花台.
and it came to my realisation that we can use 1-bar, 2-bar or 4-bar motifs to write the songs. wahhhh so exciting.
okay go run.
woohoo. starting pop piano lessons at play by ear next month with jonathan, whom i have never seen before. HAHA really really excited to start improving on piano playing. :)
woohoo. and results tonight! just met up with boyang, yiyang and daniel for burlesque. kinda draggy, and i felt that tess could be more evil there should be a more dramatic twist to her character. haha.
haha what a night!!!!
went to funkie monkies and learnt alot of stuff from eric and adilson. woohoo. all music schools smell the same.
went to meet alex and mr at orchard central to wait for wenhao, wendy, iris and daryl to audition for impresario. and miaoru took ALOT of photos with pudding camera. RARRRRRr.
oh yeah we past by red dot. so much memories we decided to take a photo in front of it. :)
after that we went to tanjong pagar and strolled along the streets, only to end up at sampo korean charcoal grill restaurant at the end of peck seah street. nice pork belly and beef and unlimited refills!! wooohooo.
and then we gave up meritus mandarin for yello jello, or yellow river/yellow jelly according to zach. HAHAHA met up with dasoo and muni and hazel for drinks and guessing game. WOOHOO. zach is the ultimate cheater i swear, and miaoru just willingly took alot of shots for nothing. HAHAHA! yeah it was fun at the bar. reg, cr, mr, zach and i did a little of dancing at the dance floor after everyone left. HAHHH! quite funny. and then we went for supper at boat quay. WOOHOO. :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
i wanna open a cafe.
a 2-storey glasshouse cafe set by the beach with the mountains and forests in the background. there will be drawings on the walls and the glass windows, and photographs taken by my friends hung proudly on every little desirable corner, and an open carpet grass area big enough to accommodate a band and an intimate evening crowd of 50. so cool, dark and romantic, you can even see stars in the eyes of the person sitting next to you while enjoying the night breeze.
the first floor sells coffee, but i am still undecided about what to do with the second: clothes? cooking class? living area?
okay. shall brainstorm during the night run.
today's practice with joel and daniel was quite fruitful! at least we got out the skeleton for the medley. HAHA! :)
went with alex to meet up with dasoo, muni and gang for a short dinner cuz they are leaving soon. will miss them loads.
then alex and i met up with ivan and cr for supper since ivan's leaving for korea for 50 days. HAHA! have fun dude. :)
and yes. greatest news of the day: jerrick and jiaxin are getting married!!! woohoo, and lucky just released his 主打歌, 爸妈好。go listen. :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
just to show that i am still alive and kicking. -> was trying to make my eyes look as big as possible without realising it. HAHAH!
oh yah. and this is my new guitar! been playing on it the whole day. Woohoo. just need to work on the fretting and my last two fingers. HAHAH and i think i am beginning to get the hang of the XXOXXOXO rhythm that daryl taught me. WOOHOO.
okay remove negativity and tml's a new day. :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
woohooo just came back from a highly retarded, yet interesting day out with daryl, alex, cr and mr. HAHAHA! 5 people toasting to 'something' at 11:11:?? on 11/1/11. HAHAH NAISE.
oh yeah had ayam penyet for dinner at lucky plaza, and then before that was learning guitar, drinking white wine and then shopping at haji lane. :P
hahaha look at wendy.
ayam penyet and extremely gao avocado milkshake
thanks mr for the ride home!
thanks daryl for the wonderful guitar lesson! looking forward to playing more music together!